Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring has finally arrived after a long, cold winter! However, before you open the windows to let in the fresh spring air, you must clean them first. Yes, we're referring to spring cleaning! The process of spring cleaning may seem overwhelming at first, but we've got a checklist to help you get started! 

Why Having a Spring Cleaning To-Do List is Essential ?

Back in the day, homes were heated by fire and the doors were keep shut tight to keep the warm air in which lead to soot and grime to accumulate in the house. This is ehy when spring time comes, many people would spring clean their homes to clean away winter’s mess. In today’s modern times, even if it is no longer necessary to clean after winter since houses are now equipped with advanced heating systems, spring cleaning is still done as a way of kick starting a new season, increasing their productivity, or just to have a cleaner and fresher home.

Setting aside time each year to deep clean your home is essential to maintaining a healthy, organized, and pleasant environment in your home. Dust, mildew, and mold can be removed before they become an issue by performing a thorough spring cleaning.

1. You can focus on each room individually. In the living room and common areas, you should:

Inspect ceiling fans and light fixtures for dust and debris. 

Keep the window sills and tracks sparkling. 

Curtains and blinds can be vacuumed. 

Wipe off baseboards and shoe molding, and check corners for cobwebs. 

Take a look at the batteries in all your smoke alarms. 

Disinfect cabinet handles, doorknobs, and light switches. 

2. Moving on to the kitchen, your microwave, coffeemaker, and other small equipment should be thoroughly cleaned.

Toaster and Toaster Oven Crumb Tray Empty 

Defrost the freezer and empty the fridge. 

Wash your refrigerator shelves in the dishwasher. 

Disinfect the area behind and beneath the refrigerator (those coils collect dust!) 

Clean your oven and scrub your stovetop. 

Get rid of all the clutter and clean the shelves 

Clean the inner rim of your sink guard after you've sanitized the sink. 

3. This next list covers everything you need to cover in the bedrooms!

Get rid of anything you no longer wear and organize your drawers and closets. 

Make sure your pillows and sheets are clean. 

Your mattresses should be rotated at least once a year. 

Recycle and sterilize children's playthings (just put them in the dishwasher!) 

4. Bathroom list

Organize your cabinets and drawers 

Old medicines and toiletries must be disposed of properly. 

Do a thorough job of cleaning the shower and the bathroom sink 

Clean the shower curtain and mat (some can go in the washing machine) 

Toilets should be cleaned, as well as the tile surrounding the toilets. 

5. For people working from home, don’t worry. We have our home-office checklist made just for you!

Canned air can be used to clean your computer's keyboard. 

Use a disinfectant to clean your computer mouse and cell phone 

a place to relax and unwind 

Remove the cushions from the furniture and vacuum the crevices. 

6. In the Laundry Room 

Keep the area behind the washer and dryer clean. 

Make sure your dryer and washer have clean lint traps. 

7. Outdoors 

Remove everything from your garage and reorganize (is it time to sell?). 

Clean your deck and patio furniture with a high-pressure hose. 

Take a hose to your trash can and recycling containers and wash them down 

Using a soapy sponge and water, remove the window screens and clean them thoroughly 

Window screens should be cleaned before they are installed, so make sure to do this first! 

Spring time this 2022 is on March 20th, which gives you an ample time to plan your spring cleaning tasks. If you would rather enjoy the outdoors than clean your house or apartment, you can always count on Maid Services companies in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Carzor Home Cleaning is just a call away from a spring clean home!